Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Goal #9

My goal is to organize my pictures on a big board. I want to fit the pictures in like a big puzzle. I also want to blend the pictures backround colors together.

Reflection on goal #8

I accomplishedmy goal. I printed outmore pictures. I also started assembling my pictures ona big poster board.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Goal #8

My goal for this week is to print out more pictures and to start assembling them into a collage on big paper.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reflection on goal #6

I have accomplished my goal and I found more pictures of kittens and puppies. I now have 15 pictures of kittens and puppies

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Goal #6

My goal is to get a few more pictures of kittens and puppies. Then put them in power point or put them in like a big collage. I would like to draw or paint a big picture but my drawing and painting skills are very very poor and horrible.

Reflection on goal #5

I have accomplished goal#5. I have about 10 pictures of kittens and puppies and I plan on gettin more.

Goal #5

My goal is to get many pictures of kittens and puppies.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goal #3

My third goal would to be take and find pictures of kittens and puppies. I can find these pictures on animal websites and on google and ask jeeves. I can take pictures of the pets I have at home.

Missing Goal #2

I am missing goal number two because I never set my second goal. I never set my second goal because I didn't know we had to set a second goal. I thought I just had to blog about why I missed my first goal and thats it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Materials List

  • pictures of kittens and puppies
  • computer for photo shop
  • printer
  • poster paper
  • paint
  • pencils
  • color pencils
  • sketch paper

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Missing Goal#1

I didn't achieve my first goal because I am behind. I was absent from class for about a week and was confused about what to do in this class. I am now catching up and have a pretty good idea of what to do.

My Backwards Plan

My backwards plan is very simple, I already have an idea. I would need to finda lot of pictures of cats and dogs, kittens and puppies. I would need to sketch what I want to paint and how to paint it. Then I would really draw the back round and the animals. Finally, I would paint and color.

Project Intro

My project will be a painting of many kittens and puppies and different kinds of domestic animals. My project is important because it is showing a part of me and my interests. My project will make people saw "Awww look at the puppy." This connects to the community because it has to do with all the animals that are on the street and who are homeless. My project will show creativity, imagination and connection.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Intro to Grace

Hello, my name is Grace Martinez. I am a senior at brooklyn prep high school.